Coronavirus – Legal Considerations for U.S. Employers

Massachusetts SJC Affirms Personal Jurisdiction over Non-Residents Served Within the Commonwealth

Supreme Court Finds SEC ALJ’s Decision Unconstitutional

Massachusetts Non-Compete Reform – What Employers Need To Know

The Massachusetts Pay Equity Act – What Employers Need to Know

Innovator Liability in Massachusetts: What is the fate of the learned intermediary doctrine?

Is It Too Late? Recent Appeals Court Decision Warrants Careful Consideration of Statute of Limitations Defense in Accounting Malpractice Actions

Massachusetts Becomes the First State in the Country to Recognize a Unique Form of Innovator Liability Based on “Reckless” Conduct

Insured’s Counterclaim Against Claimant Did Not Create Conflict of Interest Between Insured and Insurer

Insurer Not Required to Pay Insured’s Independent Counsel Where Defense Was Offered But Unjustifiably Declined by Insured

Business Litigation Session: Former Directors and Officers Now Adverse to Their Corporation Are Not Entitled to Privileged Communications Exchanged While They Were Still With the Corporation

Data Breach Standing: Recent Decisions Show Growing Circuit Court Split

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